Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I'm an adult. Is reading really that important?

We all know that our kids should be reading.  It helps them excel in school, and in their future lives as adults.

But why should we, as adults now, keep reading?

For one thing, it encourages our own children to keep reading.  Research has proven that when children see adults reading, they are more likely to read themselves.  Children model what they see adults do--they become interested in reading because they see adults in their lives enjoying and using books.  Even seeing an adult turning the pages teaches a young child how a book is used.  Plus, when you read with your kids, you're getting much-needed family time.  In these busy days, that can be hard to come by.

On another level, reading expands your own culture and understanding of the world.  I think of some of the books I've read this summer--taking in place in New York City, the lower banks of North Carolina, even in 1800's era England.  How else can I travel the world without spending a dime?  Are you going on a trip?  Head to the library and do some research on where you're going.  Reading those guide books can help you find the best--and worst--places to visit while you're there.

Reading as an adult also keeps your brain moving.  Think of reading as a way to exercise your brain, and keep it moving.  The more you use it, the better!  Reading makes you think, and when you think, you become smarter.  What's better than that?  It's also been proven that reading improves your memory skills.  While you're reading, you're stretching your "memory muscles," and you probably didn't even realize it!

Along the same lines, reading improves your concentration.  Reading requires your concentration on the words on the page--if you're distracted, you can't concentrate.  As you're doing this, your improving your concentration skills.  Many of this can use these skills, especially in our work!

Reading gives you something to talk about, too.  Brad Isaac, author of a great article on the advantages of adult reading, says, "Have you ever run out of stuff to talk about with your best friend, wife or husband? This can be uncomfortable. It might even make married couples wonder if their marriage is in trouble. However, if you read a lot of books, you’ll always have something to talk about. You can discuss various plots in the novels you read, you can discuss the stuff you are learning in the business books you are reading as well. The possibilities of sharing are endless."

The best part of reading as an adult?  It's cheap entertainment!  If you think about it, a trip to the movies or out to dinner could easily cost $100.  Plus, it's not very good for your brain.  Think of all the books you can get from the library, and for FREE!  There's nothing better than free, right?

So what are you waiting for?  Head to the library today, and get reading!

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